We are so glad you chose to join us! Christ Community is a place with imperfect people living life shoulder to shoulder with other imperfect people! This is great news because we realize we are all in need of a Savior. We preach Jesus and are not apologetic about that, but what you will find is that although we are not perfect, our desire is to be better than we were yesterday!
Sunday Mornings
9:30 & 11am
8:00 a.m. Adult LIFE Group
8:30 a.m. Pre-Service Prayer
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
Nursery & Preschool
King’s Kids Grades K-5
Youth Axiom Gr. 6-8
Youth Elevate Gr. 9-12
Adult LIFE Groups
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Nursery & Preschool
King’s Kids Grades K-5
Adult LIFE Groups
What To Expect
Checking out churches can be exciting, but also create a feeling of anxiety. Whether this is your first time or if you have been searching for some time, we look forward to meeting you. Here are some things you must know before you check us out.
- We are not perfect! We have and will make mistakes along the way. This is a hard fact for some to grasp, but because we are human we sometimes fail. So, if you are looking for a perfect church, you might be disappointed in ours. However, if you like transparency and imperfect people striving to follow Jesus on this journey we call life, then you might feel at home.
- We preach Jesus! We are not apologetic about preaching Jesus. We believe He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
- We use the Bible! We encourage people to bring their Bibles because it is the inspired word that is a compass to how we navigate through life. However, if you do not have a Bible, we will give you one.
- We encourage growth! Being stretched in our faith is what living a life of a Christ Follower is all about. The good news is, you will not be alone doing it.
- We are casual! If you like to dress up, dress up. If you like jeans and a t-shirt, wear jeans and a t-shirt.
A typical service will last about an hour.
Coffee and other refreshments are available start down the main hall and to the right, stop by to grab some before service.
There is childcare available and activities for all age groups, stop by the kids check in desk in the main lobby for more info.
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and stop by the welcome desk with any questions and to get a special welcome packet from us!
Coffee and other refreshments are available start down the main hall and to the right, stop by to grab some before service.
There is childcare available and activities for all age groups, stop by the kids check in desk in the main lobby for more info.
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and stop by the welcome desk with any questions and to get a special welcome packet from us!
Did you visit one of our Sunday Services?
We’re so glad you came and we would love your feedback!
Interested in Membership?
We would love to have you as a part of our Christ Community Family!
Fill out a connection card and check the membership box!
Christ Community offers a membership class where we share lunch together and learn more about membership at CCBC. It’s an opportunity for pastors and leaders to share about the vision, mission and statement of faith. It’s also a great time for any questions you may have!
We’ll let you know when the next class is and give you all the information you need, all you need to do is fill out a card!
Fill out a connection card and check the membership box!
Christ Community offers a membership class where we share lunch together and learn more about membership at CCBC. It’s an opportunity for pastors and leaders to share about the vision, mission and statement of faith. It’s also a great time for any questions you may have!
We’ll let you know when the next class is and give you all the information you need, all you need to do is fill out a card!

Interested in Baptism?
You did it! You made the commitment to follow Jesus! We want to celebrate with you because you have taken the biggest step of our life! Baptism signifies to world that you desire to be identified as a follower of Christ! Baptism does not make you a believer or grant salvation. Someone is baptized after they become a believer as a representation of their faith and step of obedience!
At Christ Community we believe in baptism by full immersion. This was the model Jesus set for us the day He was baptized. Immersion symbolizes and portrays the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Fill out a Connection Card and check the baptism box and a pastor will contact you!
At Christ Community we believe in baptism by full immersion. This was the model Jesus set for us the day He was baptized. Immersion symbolizes and portrays the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Fill out a Connection Card and check the baptism box and a pastor will contact you!