CCBC Elevate Youth Code of Conduct
Our Expectations: Be responsible…
Clean up after yourself before going home.
Everyone present at youth group is expected to participate in planned activities.
Be respectful…
Always treat fellow youth members, visitors, leaders, and any guest speakers and musicians with dignity and respect.
Student-to-student harassment is prohibited at youth group. Verbal and physically harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This may take many forms and can be physical, verbal or written.
Examples of sexually harassing behavior include stalking, dating abuse, making obscene gestures, making sexual comments, remarks or insults, stalking, pressure for sexual activity, spreading rumors of a sexual nature. Christ Community Baptist Church follows the Bethel School District Student-To-Student Sexual Harassment Policy.
Public display of affection should be limited to holding hands & hugs when appropriate. There should be no students sitting on laps, rubbing backs, giving massages, cuddling, kissing, or groping.
Raise your hand to speak when someone is talking or in small groups (unless otherwise directed). Do not interrupt others.
All perspectives are to be listened to carefully and responded to in a courteous fashion. At no time should derogatory comments be made about anyone or her/his opinions (Ephesians 4:29).
Do not physically or verbally abuse others. This means that under no circumstances should you bully, hit, gossip about, throw something at, or make fun of another person.
Words matter…
we follow the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Taking another youth or leader’s property is unacceptable unless express permission has been given to you by the owner of the object (i.e. cell phones, iPods, etc.)
All cell phones/iPods/electronic devices should be turned off during all activities unless otherwise stated. If phones are seen out they will be taken up and be given back at the end of the activity.
Be safe…
At no time should a youth group member wander off or leave the premises without adult supervision or prior permission.
At no time shall a youth group member enter the youth room without a youth leader present. If the youth room door is closed students are to wait outside.
At no time shall a youth group member be unsupervised in the building. Youth are not to wander the halls during Youth Group.
Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vapes, weapons, or fireworks are never allowed at youth group events.
Universal Dress Code…
It is important that students’ decisions regarding their attire should be made in consultation with their parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s), while still preserving a beneficial learning environment and assuring the safety and well-being of all students, which are primary concerns of the CCBC Youth Ministry
Students may not wear clothing, jewelry, or personal items that:
Displays obscene or sexual words, pictures, messages, innuendoes, etc.;
Displays drug or alcohol-related words, pictures, messages, innuendoes., etc.;
Displays threats, violent conduct, weapons, etc.;
Demonstrates hate group association/affiliation and/or use hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, other protected groups, or gang association/affiliation, etc.;
Is promiscuous or shows private parts (clothing must cover private parts in opaque – not able to be seen-through material)
Be respectful to group leaders…
Youth group members are expected to recognize the authority and responsibility of all youth group leaders by obeying instructions and following proper respect. Before most events, general guidelines will be laid out for the group. Anyone who breaks the guidelines may be dismissed from an activity.